Debugging Sitecore dlls

Applies To: Sitecore, ASP.NET, Visual Studio

Recently I was experimenting with Sitecore’s Linq based search. I was having an issue with my facets (perhaps if I ever solve it I’ll write about that too) and I wanted to look into how these were actually created within the Sitecore code.

Using .NET Reflector I was able to decompile the Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq dll and take a look at the code. (You can do this in the .NET Reflector Object Browser within Visual Studio if you have the .NET Reflector plugin installed). In order to debug it I had to select the Debug option in the same window. This generates the proper symbols and tells Visual Studio to use them. This is really awesome and you can begin walking through your code (Attach to Process w3wp.exe).

Unfortunately, I was unable to see the values of any variables. When attempting to evaluate them I was getting:

Cannot obtain value of local or argument ‘[varablename]’ as it is not available at this instruction pointer, possibly because it has been optimized away.

This is one of those rare cases where the message was actually related to the cause. In order to see those values of the decompiled Sitecore dlls and any other dlls in .NET you need to disable optimization.

“Great!” you shout while working alone in a darkened room full of loneliness. A quick trip to Google reveals you simply need to create an ini file with the same name as the dll with the following values:

[.NET Framework Debugging Control]

In my case I named this file Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq.ini. Super easy, wow! But then nothing happens. Placing this file next to the dll file in the bin directory won’t accomplish anything. You will need to place it where the dll is actually living while the website is running.

To find this special place, attach to the process like normal and then choose DEBUG > Windows > Modules form within Visual Studio. This will show you all the dlls that are being used. Scroll down to the dll you want to target and copy the path (it’s probably somewhere in the Temporary ASP.NET Files) and open it in Windows Explorer. Copy your ini file there.

Stop debugging and re-attach to the process. Now you can see the values! Soon you will see the issue is probably your own code, but isn’t it nice to pretend it’s somebody else’s fault? You bet it is!


Now you big time hacker!