Make Microsoft PowerToys Color Picker Even More Useful!

Add a Hash to your Hex Color Value

I love Microsoft PowerToys. There are a ton of awesome tools included (and it’s FREE!) but my favorite is the Color Picker. Just hit WIN + Shift + C to get a quick dropper to pick a color from anywhere on your screen!

By default, the Color Picker returns the Hex value of the code and copies it to your clipboard. If that’s what you’re looking for, awesome!

I, however, wanted it to include the hash in front so that I could immediately use the value in my List Formats (instead of FFFFFF for white, I want #FFFFFF).

So, I opened the PowerToys settings and navigated to the Color Picker section.

  1. In the Color formats group you can see lots of standard formats and you can use the toggles to add/remove them or even reorder them in the results dialog.
  1. Awesome! However, there still isn’t an option for the HEX value preceeded by the hash symbol. Fortunately, there’s an Add new format button! Click that to open a fancy dialog.
  2. As you can see from all the parameters and options, this thing is super flexible. Our format is “relatively” straight-forward. Name the format #HEX and paste #%ReX%GrX%BlX for the Format value then click Save:
  1. Your new format is now active and at the top of the list! To have it be the default format copied to your clipboard, choose it in the dropdown under Picker behavior:

That’s it! Now you’re color picker is even better. Oh yeah!!!

Enabling Dev Tools in the New Microsoft Teams Client

Despite Microsoft’s claims, things work differently in the Native client vs Teams on the web and it can be hard to troubleshoot. Having access to the developer tools like you do in the browser can make solving some of those a little easier.

If you are using the Classic Teams client, you can find instructions here for the developer tools: DevTools for Microsoft Teams tabs. Good luck!

Create the Configuration File

Perhaps to make the process feel even more developery or maybe because having a simple toggle in the interface seemed too hard, Microsoft now requires a configuration file to enable the dev menu.

Create a file called configuration.json in notepad, vscode, or whatever text editor you like. Put this inside it:

  "core/devMenuEnabled": true

Save this file to %localappdata%\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams

Be sure you quit teams entirely. Remember, Teams is sneaky and just closing the main window won’t do it. Go to the icon in the system tray (might be hidden by default) and right-click on the Teams icon and choose Quit:

Reopen teams (Make sure it’s the new one with the flashy New written on it):

For some reason, I got this message when I first did this:

I clicked Sign out and when I signed back in everything was fine. Hopefully, you don’t get the above.

Enable Dev Tools

You might think you could right-click on the icon in the task bar and enable them, but we’d both be wrong.

Instead, right-click on the Teams icon in the system tray (like we did earlier) and you should now have an Engineering Tools menu with all sorts of goodies including the Open Dev Tools option we’ve been looking for:

That’s it! You should be able to open the developer tools (in a separate window) and inspect your elements as expected. Here’s me using it to find out what went wrong with my SPFx tab:

Spoiler, it was CSS. For me, it’s always CSS.


I found this information hidden in a comment on the GA announcement for the New Teams client by Aleksandr Spiridonov. It’s his only comment, but I’m grateful for it!

Getting the Binary Value of an ASCII Character in Power Apps


This is the 3rd of a series that could easily be called “Doing Stuff Nobody Asked for in Power Apps”. You can find the previous parts here:

Now it’s time to extend our binary conversions a little farther to allow us to get the binary value of an ASCII Character just like you’ve always wanted! Again, allow me to give another unclear reassurance that there are legitimate reasons why you would do these things and I promise the next part in this series will make that clear.

There’s no reason for this dog with a bowtie, but there’s also no reason not to have a dog with a bowtie

Let’s do it!

I recently needed to get the binary value of an ASCII character (as you do). So, I just figured I’d get the ASCII value for a character and then use my handy Integer to Binary conversion method to take care of it. As you have likely guessed (by the fact the I’m writing a whole post about it), this wasn’t nearly as straightforward as I had thought.

Background Stuff

If you know the ASCII code (value) for a character, Power Apps makes it very easy to get that character by using the Char function. You can literally use Char(65) and you’ll get A. Nearly every language that has this function has its reverse usually called something like Asc and you could call that with A and get 65. But if you’ve been using Power Apps for very long you’re likely not surprised to learn that Power Apps has no equivalent function. Blarg!

A quick search came across this excellent article by Tim Leung, Text – How to convert a character to its ASCII numeric value. In this post, Tim lays out a method to generate a collection using the Char function against numbers 0-255 that can then be used to lookup the ASCII value and he does it all in a single line. If that’s all you’re here for, then click on that link and you’re done. In our case, we need to go just a little farther and be able to get the binary equivalent of the ASCII value for a character so we’ll be combining Tim’s technique with our integer to binary conversion logic laid out previously.

Building the Collection

To make this a little more understandable, I’m going to break this down into pieces. The first is the generation of a collection that will contain the values. Later I’ll show you how to use the collection to get individual values.

I’ve setup a beautiful Canvas Power App with this screen:

A DataTable with its Items set to the asc collection, a label that counts the values for debugging and a button to generate the collection

I’ve done this all in a button to make it easier to demonstrate but in reality you’d probably put this code in your App.OnStart if using it frequently. You wouldn’t need any of the other controls above either.

For those that read the last part in this series, we will be reusing / adapting some of that code. You don’t need to read that article to get this to work but it would probably help make sense of this stuff.

Here’s the code from the OnSelect of that button:

Collect(binaryDigits, {
index: Value,
worth: Power(2,Value)
firstDigit: CountRows(binaryDigits) – 1, //starting point depending on the number of binary digits
input: Value,
itbOffset: CountRows(intToBinary)
remainder: If(index = firstDigit, input, Last(intToBinary).remaining) //what's left to process (starts with input and decreases)
binary: If(remainder >= worth, "1", "0"), //Actual binary digit (left to right)
remaining: If(remainder >= worth, remainder – worth, remainder) //process what's left
Binary: With({full: Concat(LastN(intToBinary,CountRows(intToBinary)-itbOffset),binary)},Right(full,Len(full)-Find("1",full)+1))

Let’s look at what’s happening line by line:

  • Lines 1-9 – This is the same code we used previously to generate a collection of binary digits and their positional values (worth). The last article went into more depth about what these lines do. For our purposes, this is a necessary step to be able to get the binary values.
    • Unlike the last article, we set the Sequence to have 8 records starting at 7 and decreasing by 1. This is because we only care about 255 characters (8 bits) but if you were looking to increase that range for your ASCII table you’d need to increase the size here as well.
  • Line 11 – We are using a temporary collection (intToBinary) to store results as we calculate the binary equivalent of the ASCII value. So, we clear it out before starting.
  • Line 12 – We need to initialize/clear our asc collection which is the actual collection we are building.
  • Line 13 – We start a ForAll loop using the Sequence function to generate a temporary collection of 255 numbers starting at 1.
  • Lines 14-18 – Using the With function allows us to setup some local variables that we’ll be using in our other calculations.
    • firstDigit is set to the total number of rows in the binaryDigits collection minus one. This allows us to know what the “size” of the number will be without having to hardcode it.
    • input is set to the number we get from the Sequence function. This is the ASCII value and what we’ll be using in our binary conversion.
    • itbOffset is the current number of rows in the intToBinary collection. We store this because we cannot clear a collection within a ForAll yet we need to use it 255 times. So we store the offset to know which set of records in our collection apply to which value.
  • Lines 19-28 – We start a nested ForAll loop against our binaryDigits collection. It’s this loop that will do the conversion of the ASCII value that we’ll be referencing later. The details of what this code is doing were covered in the last article.
  • Line 29 – This is where we actually build the record for an individual ASCII value and store it in the asc collection
  • Line 30 – We store the number from the Sequence function as Num and this is the ASCII value. If you only need the binary value this step can be eliminated.
  • Line 31 – We use the Char function to get the character value for the ASCII value
  • Line 32 – We pull the binary value we calculated above out of the intToBinary collection using the LastN function to only pull those values after our itbOffset to ensure we only get the binary conversion calculation values for the number we’re on. There is extra code here to trim the leading zeros from the binary values. Again, more details on how this code works can be found in the previous article.

Using the Collection

You can use the collection by pulling values using the LookUp function. For instance, if we wanted to pull the ASCII value for the letter A we could write LookUp(asc,Char="A").Num and the result would be 65. If we wanted the binary value we would modify it to LookUp(asc,Char="A").Binary and the result would be 1000001

That’s it! Now you can get the binary value of any character’s ASCII code – WOWEE!!

Want to learn how to use this collection to do more stuff that probably has no place in Power Apps? Come back for Part 4: Calculating a DJB2 Hash in Power Apps!

Converting Integers to Binary in Power Apps

Say what?!

This is the 2nd part of a series that should probably be called “Silly Challenges in Power Apps for Nerds”. You can find the first part here: Converting Binary to Integers in Power Apps.

Once again I will vaguely allude to the fact that there are good reasons to do this and all shall be revealed in the fullness of time. In the meantime, if you need it – here ya go!

When it comes to math, you have many terrible tool options. Thanks for choosing Power Apps!

Let’s do it!

Converting numeric values to their binary equivalent (as text) is a little more challenging than the reverse. This isn’t really because the concept is much harder, it’s more that Power Apps makes us work a little harder. But speaking of concepts, here’s Chris’ 2 minute summary of binary to integer math:

Some Background

The main thing we need to know is that binary digits (1 or 0) indicate if the value they represent are “on” or “off”. In our case, when the digit is “on” (1) then the value it represents will be added with all the other “on” values and this total will be the number we’re looking for.

Something to keep in mind that we didn’t have to directly worry about when we were going from binary to number is the “size” of the numeric data type. This just means the number of digits (bits). The bigger the number, the more bits required. For instance, 255 in binary is 11111111. 8 digits = 8 bits. More on this in a moment.

The Code

Once again, a beautiful screen was created in my Canvas Power App:

We’ve got a textbox called txtToBinary and a label under Result that is set to a variable called binaryResult

Here’s what is in the OnSelect for the button:

Collect(binaryDigits, {
index: Value,
worth: Power(2,Value)
firstDigit: CountRows(binaryDigits) – 1, //starting point depending on the number of binary digits
input: Value(txtToBinary.Text)
remainder: If(index = firstDigit, input, Last(intToBinary).remaining) //what's left to process (starts with input and decreases)
binary: If(remainder >= worth, "1", "0"), //Actual binary digit (left to right)
remaining: If(remainder >= worth, remainder – worth, remainder) //process what's left
full: Concat(intToBinary,binary)
Right(full, Len(full) – Find("1",full) + 1) //trims leading zeros (unnecessary really)

Let’s look at what’s happening line by line:

  • Line 1 – In order to run through our conversion, we need all the positional values figured out ahead of time (so we can loop through them). This is a quick check to make this all a single chunk of code.
    • Basically, we are saying only initialize this collection if it’s empty (checked using the CountRows function). If you are only doing binary to numbers calculations infrequently then this is fine. More likely, however, you could just remove this condition and put lines 2-8 in your App.OnStart.
  • Line 2Clearing/Initializing our binaryDigits collection
  • Line 3 – We start a ForAll loop against an arbitrary collection we generate with Sequence.
    • As mentioned previously, this combination acts as a backwoods for loop. This is even more obvious here because of the parameters. The first number (31) is the total number of rows we want. The second number (30) is what the first number should be. The final number (-1) is the steps between the row values.
    • We are saying give us a collection of numbers from 30 to 0.
    • You might be surprised to see 31 instead of 32. The reason for this is that normal integers are 32-bits but only 31 of those are bits that represent the numeric value and the other is the sign (+ or -). This allows you to calculate the binary equivalent of numbers up to 2,147,483,647.
  • Line 4 – We store a record in our binaryDigits collection for every time we loop through our temporary collection from Sequence
  • Line 5 – The index value is set to the number we get from Sequence. Later we’ll use this value to determine if we’re on the first digit or not (this allows us to change the “size” of our temporary collection without having to update our conversion code).
  • Line 6 – We store the positional value (worth) as a Power of 2 of the Sequence number. This is because of this handy chart:
  • The resulting collection will look something like this:
This was for an 8-bit number: Sequence(8,7,-1) and only shows the first 5 (of 8) rows
  • Line 11 – We are using a temporary collection (intToBinary) to store results as we process the binaryDigits collections. So, we clear it out before starting.
  • Lines 12-15 – Using a With function we setup a couple of local variables
    • firstDigit is set to the total number of rows in the binaryDigits collection minus one. This allows us to know what the “size” of the number will be without having to hardcode it.
    • input is set to the Text Input’s Value so that we don’t have to reference it directly each time making our code more portable.
  • Line 16 – We start a ForAll loop against every row in our binaryDigits collection we just generated above.
  • Lines 17-19 – We use another With function to setup the remainder. We get this by using the Last function to pull in our most recently added item in the collection (the last iteration of the loop) unless this is the first iteration (index = firstDigit) in which case we use the full value of the input.
  • Lines 20-23 – We are calculating which positional values to add together position by position. This requires us to remember what the value of the input is as it changes (subtracting the “on” values), but there is no way to set results from within a ForAll. Fortunately, you can call Collect within a ForAll so we’re doing exactly that and storing our results and our progress as we go.
  • Line 21 – This is the actual binary digit and we are determining if it should be “on” (1) or “off” (0). We do this by looking to see if the positional value (worth) is greater than or equal to the remaining value. If it is, then we turn it “on” (set it to “1”) otherwise we turn it “off” (set it to “0”).
  • Line 22 – To calculate the additional bits, we need to know what’s left (remaining) of the original input. So if we just stored a 1, we subtract the positional value (worth) and store that for calculating the next digit. If it was a 0, then we just pass the value on unchanged.
  • Line 28 – We’ve been calculating as we went but our values are spread across our temporary collection. So we need to extract that value out and save it. In this case we are setting it to a global variable that is referenced by our result label.
  • Lines 29-31 – We use another With function to make it easier to reference our full binary value. If we just want the raw value then this could be skipped and you could just set the binaryResult to this directly. But, we want to trim all the leading zeros to make it easier to read.
    • We use the Concat function to slap all the binary columns of our temporary collection into a single line of text. This works because we evaluated from left to right meaning our calculated digits are already in order.
  • Line 32 – We use a combination of the Right, Len, and Find functions to calculate where the first “1” is in our result and cut off all the extra zeros before that.

Perhaps looking inside the intToBinary collection will help make sense of what we built:

There you have it! Now you can FINALLY convert numbers to binary strings. Wowee!

Looking for more exciting low level looping in Power Apps? Come back for Part 3: Getting the Binary Value of an ASCII Character in Power Apps!

Converting Binary to Integers in Power Apps

But… why?

I promise there are legitimate reasons why you might have to work with binary integers in Power Apps and that’ll be more obvious near the end of this series which should probably be titled “Doing low level operations in Power Apps for masochists”. For now, know it’s possible and if you need to do it here’s the guide.

Let’s do it!

Converting binary values (as text) to their numeric values is “relatively” straight-forward (at least for this series). There are a bunch of guides on how to convert from base 2 to base 10 conceptually and if you’re interested in all the details, go check em out! For our purposes, here’s a basic overview (don’t weep hardcore computer scientists):

A Brief but Boring Background of Some Binary Stuff

Binary digits (1 or 0) indicate if the value it represents is “on” or “off”. In this case, “on” (1) means that value should be included when calculating the result. The values start with 1 and double each time so that the values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16… etc. to whatever “size” for the data type (read right to left):

As you can see from the image above, the values (1,2,4,8,16…) are really just increasing powers of 2. We’re going to use that fact to our advantage.

So to convert binary to a number, add the values to each other whenever there’s a 1 in the corresponding positions.

The Actual Expression

I went all out in my Canvas Power Apps design skills and created the following screen:

I’ve got a textbox called txtFromBinary and a label under Result that is set to a variable called intResult

Here’s the contents of the OnSelect for the button:

input: txtFromBinary.Text
binaryDigit: Right(Left(input,Len(input)-(Value-1)),1) //Grab the right most digit
binaryDigit: binaryDigit, //Not necessary (debug)
value:If(binaryDigit = "1", Power(2,Value-1), 0), //Not necessary (debug)
runningTotal:If(binaryDigit = "1", Power(2,Value-1), 0) + If(Value=1, 0, Last(binaryToInt).runningTotal)

Let’s look at what’s happening line by line:

  • Line 1 – We are using a temporary collection (binaryToInt) to store intermediate results as we process the binary text character by character. So, we clear it out before starting.
  • Lines 2-4 – Using the With function we can setup a local variable called input which we can reference rather than the Text Input’s Value each time (and it gets cleaned up at the end)
  • Line 5 – We start a ForAll loop against an arbitrary collection we generate with Sequence.
    • We’re going to see this combination over and over in this series because this is Power Apps’ janky version of a for loop. In this case, we are using it to let us run through a collection that is exactly as long as our binary string (which we get by using the Len function). This makes working with each individual character one at a time possible.
  • Lines 6-8 – Again using the With function (which I absolutely love) we setup a local variable. This time we’re extracting the exact character, binaryDigit, we want to work with.
    • In their infinite wisdom, Power Apps didn’t feel the need to implement a substring function so we’ve got an overly complicated combination of Right and Left to grab a single character. The exact character is determined by the use of the Value keyword which in this case references the number from the Sequence function we used earlier.
  • Line 9 – We are calculating a running total of the final value but there’s no way to set results from within a ForAll. Fortunately, you can call Collect within a ForAll so we’re doing exactly that and storing our calculations as we go.
  • Line 10 – This is just for debugging and isn’t used at all but helps us verify we pulled the right bit
  • Line 11 – Also just for debugging, it helps us identify that we calculated the positional value correctly
  • Line 12 – This is the actual calculation where we are adding 2 numbers together.
    • The first is the positional value for a bit which is 0 when the bit is “off” (0) and calculated as a Power of 2 when “on” (1). We use the Value keyword which references the number from the Sequence function used earlier. However, we have to subtract one because Sequence starts with 1 (rather than 0).
    • The second number is the running total we’ve been calculating on the previous bits. We get this by using the Last function to pull in our most recently added item in the collection (the last iteration of the loop) unless this is the first iteration (Value=1) in which case it’s just 0.
  • Line 17 – Since we were calculating as we went, we know that the very last value of our temporary collection is the final result. So we grab it and set it to a global variable to be referenced in our label.

Looking in our temporary collection, binaryToInt might make it a little easier to understand:

Or maybe it didn’t?! Oh well!

The good news is that it works – so copy and paste as you please. And for those of you who can’t get enough of doing things in Power Apps that were not intended to be done in Power Apps, be sure to come back for Part 2: Converting Integers to Binary in Power Apps!

Thank you M365 Collaboration Conference!

I had the opportunity to speak at the M365 Collaboration Conference in Las Vegas this past week and it was awesome! I loved seeing all the friends I haven’t been able to see and I always enjoy the energy and excitement of a bunch of people gathered to learn and teach about stuff we all care about.

I helped teach 2 full day workshops and was able to once again give one of my favorite sessions: Advanced List Formatting. I love presenting this session because it’s demo heavy and it’s so fun being creative with lists and watching people’s eyes light up at all the possibilities.

The Grammys were happening at the same time. People were wearing the fanciest, most expensive Halloween costumes you could imagine!

For those that are interested, my Advanced List Formatting slides can be downloaded here:

Feel free to use the slides in your own presentations (internally or externally). If you feel like giving me credit, that’s great! But it’s not required. Sharing is caring afterall! The slides have several extra slides we didn’t go over (I prefer the demos) that will hopefully provide some additional insight. Feel free to reach out with questions.

Here is the list of samples I used in the demos so you can recreate what we went over:

  • Recruitment Tracker – We took the out of the box recruitment tracker list template and customized the existing column formats using the design panel to add icons to our choice fields. Then we went into Advanced Mode and swapped out the icons with ones we picked out from

  • Field Notes – We looked at adding conditional rules to format our rows and also demonstrated a deep link into a custom Power App using the Launch Power App Button sample
  • Grouped FAQs – We looked at how we can use groupProps to customize grouped fields to create a miniature application. We also briefly looked at an alternative FAQ Format

  • Flow Status – We looked at how we can conditionally launch flows and display a dynamic flow chart to represent flow progress as well as a link to the exact flow instance
  • CommandBar Hide Automate – We expanded the flow status sample shown above to conditionally hide the Automate button when an item is selected
  • Elf Progress Board – We looked at building multi-layered progress bars, randomization, and inline editing with the elf progress board
  • Row Actions – We looked at the different default row actions and demonstrated live list updates and format rerendering
  • Random Item – We looked at how we can use layering and randomization to pick a random list item (turkey fact) to show on a page
  • Content Navigator – We demonstrated how to setup 2 views on a list and use them in conjunction as webparts on a page to enable simple navigation
  • Video Navigation – We showed how to use the list webpart with a dynamic connection to the embed webpart to create a custom video navigation application

Custom Icon Buttons in Power Apps with Hover Color

Using icons for buttons is a very common scenario in Power Apps and Microsoft has provided the Icon control to accomplish just that. But… there are only 106 across 4 categories which isn’t a whole lot when it comes to icons. So if you are making anything of any complexity you’ve likely already run out. Fortunately, that’s

Easiest Solution

Just use their stupid icons

Custom Icons

But what if you don’t want to use one of the very few icons they’ve provided? What if you found Flicon and would like your app to match the rest of Office 365 and use the Fluent / UI Fabric icons? Or perhaps Font Awesome or the Noun Project or something your kid drew?

Fortunately, there are still options! There is a pretty easy option laid out in the OKish Solution below and then a PITA Solution that works but there are several steps involved. I’ve included both, but I definitely think the PITA Solution is the way to go until Microsoft figures out something better.

OK-ish Solution

Use images but be satisfied with Border or Fill effects

PITA Solution That Works

What if you want more than just a changing background or border? You know, like how the icons themselves work in Power Apps? For this, we’ll need a custom icon as an SVG. These steps could be adapted to work with a PNG image, but SVG is very common among icon sets and provides a better result overall.

1. Get an SVG Icon

First step, get your icon! Font Awesome and the Noun Project both provide all of their icons in SVG format. However, I recommend using the Fluent Icons provided by Microsoft since that’s what’s being used everywhere else. For that, let’s head over to

If you haven’t used before, just search for an icon you want to use or browse with the categories. Once you’ve got an icon in mind, hover over it and switch to the Export tab. You can mess around with colors if you’d like, but it isn’t really necessary for what we’re doing. Just click Save as SVG:

2. Edit that Icon

We need to edit the SVG file before it’s ready to be used. There are plenty of tools out there to do that, but I use a free, open-source tool called Inkscape. You can download it directly from the site or just install it from the Microsoft Store.

Open your icon in Inkscape. One thing you’ll notice is that most of the icons are square, but the image isn’t always centered. Don’t worry, we’ll account for that to ensure our icon is a centered square.

In Power Apps we can use an SVG as the Image for an Image control. The Image control has HoverFill as we showed above. We’re going to take advantage of that and create an inverse of our icon. This means we’ll be creating an image that is the background and leaves the part of the icon we want displayed transparent. This allows us to set the “color” of the icon using the Fill and HoverFill properties!

3. Create a Box

In Inkscape, draw a box (fill color doesn’t matter, but it shouldn’t have a stroke). The size doesn’t matter just yet. Grab the square tool and draw something. Don’t worry about making it perfectly square.

Click on your icon and look at the Width and Height displayed. Take note of the bigger of the two (mine happen to be the same):

Click on the square you just drew and put the value you just noted for both its width and height. Now you have a box sitting somewhere near your icon that is the same size as your icon’s largest dimension. If you want additional padding for your icon, add that to the box’s dimensions.

Now we’re going to line them up. Open the Align and Distribute panel (Object > Align and Distribute). Select both the box and your icon. Ensure the Relative to dropdown is set to Page then click the Center on Vertical Axis button followed by the Center on Horizontal Axis button. Your box should be totally covering your icon now.

4. Cut a Hole in a Box

With both the box and the icon selected (just select all if you clicked off of them), perform an exclusion (Path > Exclusion). You now have one object and it is the negative space around your icon (remember the color doesn’t matter).

You’ll notice we’ve got an extra space around the icon and the document size (seen as a black square above). This is because our icon wasn’t perfectly centered before. If your icon looks good, skip ahead. To fix it, however, go to Document Properties (File > Document Properties). In the Custom Size options group, expand the Resize page to content section and click Resize page to drawing or selection.

5. Optimize Your SVG

Let’s save our SVG. Although we can use the default format, there’s a lot of extra stuff added that we don’t need. So let’s Save as (File > Save As…) and change the type to Optimized SVG. In the dialog that pops up, here are the options I’ve chosen with the goal of reducing SVG complexity/length:

Let’s open up our SVG file using a text editor like Notepad. You should see some XML with a viewBox attribute and one or more paths. Let’s do a find for double quotes and replace them all with single quotes.

6. Use Your Icon in Power Apps

Although we can add an SVG file as media and use it that way, I like to have a little more control. So, let’s add an Image control to your App. In the Image property we’re going to replace SampleImage with some text. The first bit of text is just a string:

"data:image/svg+xml;utf8, "

This will let us use the SVG text directly. To do that we need to add the EncodeUrl function. So connect the text above with an & and enclose the SVG text (copied from notepad) in double quotes inside of the EncodeUrl function (don’t forget your closing double quote and parenthesis):

The icon is showing, wowee! Now we need to make that fill match the background (the black stuff shown above). So we can edit our SVG string to add fill='white' (or a HEX or RGBA value that matches your background which is white in my case).

Where did that icon go?! It’s still there, it’s just being sneaky.

7. Add Some Color

Now for the magic! Set the Fill property for the Image control (shown as Color in the properties window for some reason) and your icon shows up! WOWEE!

Now set the HoverFill to some other color and hold Alt to see the magic.

Hold down Alt to test it right in the Editor


This is not a perfect solution and the fact that this is our best option is pretty frustrating. But… it gets the job done but with a few notable issues when compared to using the native icons:

  • That’s an annoying amount of work for each icon
  • No option to have the pointer cursor even when using it with an OnSelect action
  • Images sometimes get weird borders depending on the scaling
  • You need to keep your image ratio the same to avoid the background leaking out (set the Width to Self.Height and control just the Height)

Convert Modern SharePoint Page Banner Images to Base-64 using PowerShell

I was recently asked to write a PowerShell script that identified a bunch of pages and emailed them. They wanted the emails to include the Banner Image (the page/news thumbnail). No problem, I’ll just grab the handy BannerImageUrl field and stick it in some HTML, right? Nope.

Although you can certainly create an email with images using the URL, unless the user is logged in, those images will cause a bunch of authentication errors. This is especially a problem for people checking their email on their phones. Sadness!

Fortunately, you can grab those images in PowerShell and convert them to base-64 strings. That way the authentication for the images is only needed when running the script and not when the user opens the email.

The Father

Here’s a basic script that covers the concept using PnP PowerShell:

# Connect to your site
# (this example assumes an entry in Windows Credential Manager,
# but you can pass credentials however you need here)
$connection = Get-PnPConnection
# Setup a Web Client using credentials pulled from the connection
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$client.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($connection.PSCredential.UserName, $connection.PSCredential.Password)
$client.Headers.Add("X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED", "f")
# Get a page
# (You could be doing this in a loop or using Get-PnPClientSidePage)
$page = Get-PnPListItem List "Site Pages" Id 294
# Grab the value of the image and convert it to base-64
# and slap the data information to the front
$image = "data:image/png;base64," + [convert]::ToBase64String($client.DownloadData($page.FieldValues.BannerImageUrl.Url))
# In this sample, just copying the HTML value to the clipboard to prove it works
# Normally, you'd build an HTML string and append it for your email
Set-Clipboard Value "<img src=""$image"">"
# All done!

In the Gist above, the HTML value is put in your clipboard. This is just to make it easy to prove it works. Run the script, paste the result in codepen in a browser where you are not authenticated to the site and witness the magic!

The key bit is the setup of the web client (lines 8-10) and the call to convert the downloaded data (line 18). You can easily wrap this logic up inside a foreach loop to process all your pages/news and build a nice html based email. Wowee!

Missing SharePoint Online Classic Administration Links

You may have noticed that your classic administration links are now missing from the SharePoint Administration center. Good luck editing your search schema or creating an app catalog now!

I have no idea why this was removed and hope this is corrected soon. Seems like a mistake to me even if the goal is to eventually roll out updated versions. Fortunately, if you happen to have the old links you can still visit them. Surely you bookmarked them all?!

No need to excessively weep! Reduce your wailing to dry sobs because here are the links to the missing admin pages. Copy them and paste them after your sharepoint admin domain (see below for an example).


user profiles


term store

records management


secure store




configure hybrid

access control

data migration

With the exception of that last one, type in your sharepoint admin address ( and then throw the link above after it.

For instance, here’s my classic search administration link:

Excited, Happy, Woman, Fun, Happiness, Excitement


You can use this link to get to the original “More features” navigation page to make getting these links a little easier:

Additionally, if you add ?showclassicnav=true to the end of any of the above links you’ll get that classic side navigation.